No dia 27 de janeiro de 2020 cerca das 16h33 na orbita nº 21008, encontra-se agendado um contato escolar direto com a Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS) e o Agrupamento de Escolas Serafim Leite em São João da Madeira, conforme inscrição efetuada pelo grupo de trabalho da REP-ARISS.
Foi instalada na escola a estação de radioamador com o indicativo CS2ASL.
O contato direto entre as estações de amador CS2ASL operada por Marco Vasconcelos - CT1EAV e OR4ISS operada pelo astronauta Luca Parmitano - KF5KDP,no qual vamos tentar realizar as perguntas feitas pelos alunos.
Agrupamento de Escolas Serafim Leite, São João da Madeira, Portugal, direct via CS2ASL
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS
The scheduled astronaut is Luca Parmitano KF5KDP
Proposed questions generated by Agrupamento de Escolas Serafim Leite students:
1. What is your daily routine like on board?
2. When you have a health problem what do you do? Are there any doctors on board?
3. When astronauts go to space for how long do they stay there?
4. Do you miss family?
5. Do you remember the very first moment that you look outside de ISS and saw the planet earth? What did you felt and did you think of someone special?
6. How do you bath in a ship?
7. How can you get water in space?
8. What is it like to live in the ISS?
9. What kind of experiences take place from the ISS and what are the advantages of making them from there?
10. How is it possible to create an atmosphere within the ISS?
11. Is the perception of time on board of the ISS different from the one you have on Earth?
12. How many hours of exercise should an astronaut do each day?
13. What effects does space flight have on the human body, and what do you feel?
14. When you are not working what do you do?
15. Being a different profession how old did you realize you wanted to be an astronaut?
16. What do you miss the most about Earth?
17. How can weightlessness influence the health of astronauts?
18. Tell us about your adventure in space?
19. How can you communicate with your family?
20. Do you feel scared when you are in space?
21. How and where do they sleep?
22. How long do astronauts train to perform space missions?
23. Do you have any specific food when you are on missions?
24. In an emergency situation can you all return to Earth?
Foi instalada na escola a estação de radioamador com o indicativo CS2ASL.
O contato direto entre as estações de amador CS2ASL operada por Marco Vasconcelos - CT1EAV e OR4ISS operada pelo astronauta Luca Parmitano - KF5KDP,no qual vamos tentar realizar as perguntas feitas pelos alunos.
Agrupamento de Escolas Serafim Leite, São João da Madeira, Portugal, direct via CS2ASL
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS
The scheduled astronaut is Luca Parmitano KF5KDP
Proposed questions generated by Agrupamento de Escolas Serafim Leite students:
1. What is your daily routine like on board?
2. When you have a health problem what do you do? Are there any doctors on board?
3. When astronauts go to space for how long do they stay there?
4. Do you miss family?
5. Do you remember the very first moment that you look outside de ISS and saw the planet earth? What did you felt and did you think of someone special?
6. How do you bath in a ship?
7. How can you get water in space?
8. What is it like to live in the ISS?
9. What kind of experiences take place from the ISS and what are the advantages of making them from there?
10. How is it possible to create an atmosphere within the ISS?
11. Is the perception of time on board of the ISS different from the one you have on Earth?
12. How many hours of exercise should an astronaut do each day?
13. What effects does space flight have on the human body, and what do you feel?
14. When you are not working what do you do?
15. Being a different profession how old did you realize you wanted to be an astronaut?
16. What do you miss the most about Earth?
17. How can weightlessness influence the health of astronauts?
18. Tell us about your adventure in space?
19. How can you communicate with your family?
20. Do you feel scared when you are in space?
21. How and where do they sleep?
22. How long do astronauts train to perform space missions?
23. Do you have any specific food when you are on missions?
24. In an emergency situation can you all return to Earth?
Os nossos melhores cumprimentos.
73, Carlos Nora - CT1END
Sender notified by Mailtrack 22/01/20, 20:08:07 |