quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2019

Fwd: ARISS News Release (ANR) No. 19-18



ARISS News Release                                                                                                                             No. 19-18


Dave Jordan, AA4KN



Dec. 24, 2019

SSTV Event Planned for Late December


ARISS is planning an SSTV event featuring commemorative images. This event is currently scheduled to begin on December 28, 2019 at 11:00 UTC and ends at 18:20 UTC on January 1, 2020. Please make note that sometimes changes may occur in the crew work schedule that could affect our SSTV transmission dates and times, so frequently check our ARISS Facebook and Twitter accounts shown below for any updates before and throughout the event.   


Transmissions will be sent at 145.800 MHz FM in the SSTV mode PD-120. Once received, images can be posted and viewed by the public at http://www.spaceflightsoftware.com/ARISS_SSTV/index.php and you can receive a special SSTV ARISS Award for posting your image. See https://ariss.pzk.org.pl/sstv/ for details. Also for simplicity, we have added a new information tab for SSTV events, under the General Contacts pulldown menu at www.ariss.org .


About ARISS:


Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station (ISS).  In the United States, sponsors are the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the ISS National Lab and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or public forms. Before and during these radio contacts, students, educators, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies, and amateur radio. For more information, see www.ariss.org.


ARISS Facebook: Amateur Radio On The International Space Station (ARISS)

ARISS Twitter: @ARISS_status


Media Contact:

Dave Jordan, AA4KN






Mailtrack Sender notified by
Mailtrack 26/12/19, 10:11:25

terça-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2019

ARISS SSTV Transmissions

ARISS SSTV Transmissions 

ARISS will be supporting SSTV transmissions worldwide in memory of cosmonauts Alexei Leonov, Valery Bykovsky and Sigmund Jaehn.

The transmissions are scheduled from December 28, 2019, starting at 11:00 UTC, until January 1, 2020 at 18:20 UTC when the system is scheduled for shutdown.

Transmissions will be on the standard frequency of 145.800 MHz and in the PD 120 format.

The Polish ARISS Team prepared an award for participants to this SSTV experiment. Please see https://ariss.pzk.org.pl/sstv/

Many thanks to ARISS Russia for setting up this worldwide SSTV event.

Season's Greetings !
Gaston Bertels ON4WF

Mailtrack Sender notified by
Mailtrack 24/12/19, 13:33:07

segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2019


SSTV de 28 de dezembro de 2019 a 1 de janeiro de 2020

  A ARISS apoiará transmissões SSTV em todo o mundo em memória do cosmonauta Alexei Leonov. 
O evento é executado de 28 de dezembro DE 2019 (às 11:00 UTC é o horário de configuração) até 1 de janeiro de 2020 (18:20 UTC, quando o sistema está programado para o desligamento). 

As transmissões serão na frequência padrão de 145.800 MHz e no formato PD 120.

Os nossos melhores cumprimentos.
73, Carlos Nora - CT1END


terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2019

ARISS school contact planned for two schools in Bari, Italy

An ARISS school contact is planned for Luca Parmitano KF5KDP with Istituto Comprensivo "Japigia 1 – Verga", Bari, Italy and Istituto Comprensivo "Caporizzi – Lucarelli", Bari, Italy.

The event is scheduled Friday December 20, 2019 at approximately 12.35 UTC, which is 13.35 CEWT.

The contact will operated by IZ7RTN. Downlink signals will be audible in Europe. The contact will be conducted in Italian.

School Information:

Istituto Comprensivo "Japigia 1 – Verga"

Orione and Verga with pupils of age range 3 to 14 years. The pupils attending the school are 1125.

Our school is well known and has distinguished itself for the advanced level of technology and projects. In the school there is modern equipment and space suitable for experiments/tests.

Our Institute proposes different activities of educational robotics, simple and practical approach to the operation of robots, to the computer planning and the learning of technical subjects as science and mathematics with the purpose to stimulate the curiosity and the use of logic in students. Every year they participate successfully in national and regional competitions. Our Institute, besides participating every year to the week of the Code, transversally proposes the activity of coding to the disciplines studied with the purpose to develop in the learners the capacity of problem solving.

Whereas during the week of the National Plan for the Digital School, the pupils of our Institute take part in a series of activities that involve the family and the personnel of the school experimenting different activities such as the digital sketch with Autocad, the digital comic strip, the 3D printer, the virtual classroom, small competitions of robotics to show the innovation that already exists in our school but that is in constant evolution.

Moreover, in 2016 and 2017 pupils were involved in the international educational project "Mission X" concerning physical activity and proper nutrition that encourages children to train like a real astronaut. They have been able to understand the importance of healthy eating and regular physical activity, participating in an international challenge in which they did physical exercises and activities in the classroom, discovering what happens in space and how they can one day become protagonist of an international space adventure.

A group of pupils has also participate in the STEM project "Cpu maker for pupils with a great mind", activity that led to the realization of a microprocessor starting from the use of a Raspberry Pi, that is a calculator implemented by a single electronic card.

Istituto Comprensivo "Caporizzi – Lucarelli"

The I.C. "Caporizzi _ Lucarelli" is a recent school institution that started its journey on September 1, 2016 following the unification between primary school "C. Collodi " and secondary school " Antonio Lucarelli " in Acquaviva delle Fonti (Bari..

The school is composed of 7 school buildings and welcomes pupils aged from 3 to 14 years. The total number of pupils is 897 of which 4% are of foreign origin coming from European Union countries and non-EU countries. The number of teachers is 104.

The school welcomes pupils with a family background diversified by the cultural and economic point of view.

The school has got scientific, artistic, linguistic and technological laboratories and two gyms. There also is a laboratory devoted to atmospheric sciences. Meteorological model WRF (weather research and forecasting. is implemented and local meteorological forecast are realized.

Students First Names & Questions:

Istituto Comprensivo "Japigia 1 – Verga" & Istituto Comprensivo "Caporizzi – Lucarelli"
1. Andrea: In caso di colonizzazione dello spazio da parte dell'uomo, ci potranno andare tutti o solo i più ricchi? Esiste uno scudo spaziale capace di proteggerci da meteoriti e dalle radiazioni del sole?
2. Lidia: Sappiamo che l'uomo ritornerà a breve sulla luna, come si intende colonizzare il nostro satellite naturale?
3. Mario: La stampante 3D, progettata da Samantha Cristoforetti, a bordo della ISS, quali funzionalità ha?
4. Mattia: Le future missioni spaziali potranno essere supportate da aziende private?
5. Claudia: Nello spazio si usano solo combustibili fossili o anche energia nucleare?

6. Enrico: Ci sono programmi per realizzare nuovi sistemi di propulsione in modo da viaggiare nello spazio più velocemente?
7. Francesco: Con quali sistemi informatici funzionano le apparecchiature a bordo?
8. TBD: La scoperta dell'acqua su Marte cosa potrebbe rappresentare per i futuri esploratori spaziali?
9. Paola: A che punto è la robotica in Italia?
10. Angela: Le attività exstra veicolari possono avere degli effetti negativi sulla salute degli astronauti?

11. Mario: È stato lanciato il robot russo, denominato Fyodor, ma la sua avventura nello spazio è terminata perché le sue gambe si sono dimostrate d'intralcio. Si è già pensato ad un robot con una forma più adatta per svolgere determinati compiti?
12. Alessia: Ha notato evidenti variazioni nella dimensione dei ghiacciai e nell'avanzamento dei deserti tra la sua prima missione sulla ISS e la seconda?
13. TBD: Pensando a Dio io lo immagino al di là delle nuvole. Voi, quando siete nello spazio, sentite di più la sua presenza essendo più vicini a Lui? Gli chiedete mai il suo aiuto?
14. TBD: In quale modo l'Italia ha contribuito alla realizzazione dei moduli che compongono la ISS?
15. Roberta: A che punto sono le sperimentazioni relative alle malattie più gravi, come i tumori?

16. TBD: Come fanno gli astronauti a proteggersi dai raggi cosmici, soprattutto durante le missioni EVA?
17. Sara: Secondo le vostre esperienze è possibile costruire una base operativa sulla Luna per ulteriori scoperte?
18. TBD: Le batterie in uso sulla ISS hanno le stesse caratteristiche di quelle terrestri? Come vengono smaltite?
19. Nicola: La ISS può ulteriormente ampliarsi con altri moduli?
20. TBD: Cosa accadrà alla ISS quando non sarà più utilizzabile?

21. Luca: Di che cosa è fatto lo spazio?
22. TBD: E' possibile osservare dalla ISS le calamità naturali che avvengono sulla Terra?
23. Jennifer: Quante radiazioni vengono assorbite da un astronauta sull' ISS?
24. TBD: Quali sono i requisiti che devono avere gli astronauti per svolgere missioni all'esterno della ISS?
25. Graziana: Avete mai sbagliato qualcosa? Qual è la funzione della robotica nello spazio per il futuro?

26. TBD: C'è un modulo costruito interamente in Italia?
27. Francesco: Si è già pensato a una nuova Stazione Spaziale Internazionale, quando quella già esistente terminerà il periodo di funzionamento previsto? E quali modifiche tecnologiche si apporteranno?
28. TBD: A fine ottobre, in collaborazione con l'agenzia spaziale italiana ASI e quella europea ESA, è stato pubblicato un numero speciale del fumetto Nathan Never nel quale lei è tra i protagonisti. Che sensazioni le ha procurato questa circostanza?


1. In the case of colonization of space by man, can all or only the richest go? Is there a space shield capable of protecting us from meteorites and sun radiation?
2. We know that humans are going back to the Moon soon; how are we going to colonize our natural satellite?
3. The 3D printer designed by Samantha Cristoforetti, on board the ISS, what features does it have?
4. Could it be that future space programs will be funded by private agencies?
5. Does space use only fossil fuels or even nuclear energy?

6. Are there any researches on finding new faster technologies to travel across the universe?
7. Which computer systems do the on-board equipment work with?
8. What would the discovery of water on Mars represent for future space explorers?
9. At what point is robotics in Italy?
10. Can the EVAs cause any negative effects on the health of astronauts?

11. The Russian robot, named Fyodor, has been launched, but his adventure in space is over because his legs have proved to be a hindrance. Have you already thought of a robot with a more suitable form to perform certain tasks?
12. Have you noticed any significant variation in the dimensions of the polar ice caps and deserts between your first and second mission on the ISS?
13. Thinking of God I imagine it beyond the clouds. Do you, when you are in space, feel his presence more, being closer to him? Do you ever ask for his help?
14. How has Italy contributed in developing the different modules composing the ISS?
15. At what point are the experiments related to the most serious diseases, such as tumors?

16. How do astronauts protect themselves from the cosmic rays, especially during the EVA missions?
17. According to your experiences, is it possible to build an operational base on the Moon for further discoveries?
18. Are the characteristics of the batteries used on the ISS the same of the ones on Earth? How are they disposed of?
19. Can the ISS further expand with other modules?
20. What will happen to the ISS when it won't be used anymore?

21. What is space made of?
22. Can you observe natural disasters on the Earth from the ISS?
23.How many radiations are absorbed by an astronaut on the ISS?
24. What are the requisites for astronauts to take part to missions outside the ISS?
25. Have you ever done something wrong? What is the function of robotics in space for the future?

26. Is there a module completely produced in Italy?
27. Have you already thought of a new International Space Station, when the existing one will end the planned period of operation? And what technological changes will they make?
28. How does it feel to be one of the protagonists of the special number of the comic "Nathan Never", published at the end of October in collaboration with ASI and ESA?

About ARISS:

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, JAXA, and CSA. The US Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provide ARISS special support.

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.

The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or informal education venues. With the help of experienced amateur radio volunteers, ISS crews speak directly with large audiences in a variety of public forums. Before and during these radio contacts, students, teachers, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies, and amateur radio. For more information, see www.ariss.orgwww.ariss-eu.org and https://www.amsat-on.be/hamtv-summary/.


Gaston Bertels ON4WF


Os nossos melhores cumprimentos.
73, Carlos Nora - CT1END


Mailtrack Sender notified by
Mailtrack 17/12/19, 09:31:54

quarta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2019

REP-ARISS inscrições escolares para contato com a ISS

Exmos Senhores 
Diretores, Professores, Coordenadores do ensino, entusiastas de radiocomunicações, Ciência Viva, etc. 

Organizações escolares e juvenis, interessadas em estabelecer um contato rádio com um astronauta a bordo da Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS), são convidadas a apresentar uma inscrição acompanhada de um projeto educacional a desenvolver nesse âmbito.

período de envio de candidaturas iniciar-se-à a 1 de fevereiro decorrendo até 27 de março de 2020 . 
A seleção da escola ocorrerá em maio de 2020.

O contato espacial deverá ser provisoriamente programado para o período que irá de janeiro a junho de 2021 .

A candidatura deverá ser enviada por email para  o endereço: cs5ss@rep.pt 
Não espere até os últimos dias para enviar seus pedidos 
O acompanhamento e orientação através do processo de seleção será feito através de um Mentor da ARISS e da REP sendo que se o projeto for selecionado, será esse Mentor que colaborará em toda a preparação necessária para o contato.
Sublinhamos esta disponibilidade da ARIS e da REP para que numa colaboração estreita com todas as partes envolvidas durante este processo se obtenha o maior sucesso neste evento!


As agências espaciais envolvidas confiam à ARISS a tarefa do desenvolvimento de contatos através de Radioamadores e das Escolas, permitindo assim que os alunos coloquem perguntas aos astronautas a bordo da Estação Espacial Internacional e recebam suas respostas em direto do espaço.

Assim as escolas candidatas deverão preparar um espaço educativo orientado e submetê-lo, juntamente com um documento de "Candidatura", ao Gerente de Seleção da ARISS School, Francesco De Paolis, IKØWGF. 

Todos os documentos devem ser enviados por e-mail para cs5ss@rep.pt 

IMPORTANTE: Por favor, leia atentamente os documentos disponibilizados. Toda a documentação será enviada para o grupo REP-ARISS que os encaminhará para o grupo/responsável de seleção de escolas da ARISS. 

Nota: No caso de conhecerem professores/radioamadores façam o favor de divulgar esta informação.

Documentos da ARISS (Atualizado 01-11-2019)  

Procedimento para Contatos na Escola ARISS 
Os melhores cumprimentos.
A equipa REP-ARISS Portugal

Mailtrack Sender notified by
Mailtrack 11/12/19, 21:45:09

terça-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2019

ISS SSTV 4, 5 e 6 de dezembro de 2019

Espera-se que os cosmonautas russos ativem as transmissões de imagens da Televisão de Varredura Lenta (SSTV) em 145.800 MHz FM desde a Estação Espacial Internacional, de quarta a sexta-feira, 4, 5 e 6 de dezembro de 2019.

Esse é o cronograma para a ativação planeada da atividade SSI MAI-75 da ISS.
• 4 de dezembro: Ligado - 12:00 GMT, Desligado - 16:50 GMT
• 5 de dezembro: Ligado - 11:25 GMT, Desligado - 17:15 GMT
• 6 de dezembro: Ligado - 10:20 GMT, Desligado - 16:40 GMT

As transmissões serão enviadas em 145.800 MHz FM (desvio de 5 kHz) no modo SSTV PD-120. Uma vez recebidas, as imagens podem ser postadas e visualizadas pelo público em http://www.spaceflightsoftware.com/ARISS_SSTV/index.php

O ISS SSTV usa um transceptor Kenwood TM D710E, que faz parte da estação de rádio amador localizada no Módulo de Serviço ISS da Rússia.

Observe que os eventos da SSTV dependem de outras atividades, horários e responsabilidades da tripulação na ISS e estão sujeitos a alterações a qualquer momento. Você pode verificar se há atualizações relacionadas à operação planeada em:
ISS Ham https://twitter.com/RF2Space
ARISS Status https://twitter.com/ARISS_status
ARISS SSTV Blog https://ariss-sstv.blogspot.com/
AMSAT Bulletin Board http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Leia o artigo MagPi Imagens do espaço via rádio amador

Informações e links para SSTV da ISS https://amsat-uk.org/beginners/iss-sstv/

Fonte info: AMSAT-UK

Os nossos melhores cumprimentos.
73, Carlos Nora - CT1END


quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2019

ARISS school contact planned for Milano and Merone, Italy

ARISS school contact planned for Milano and Merone, Italy

An RISS school contact is planned for Luca Parmitano KF5KDP with Istituto San Paolo delle Suore Angeliche, Milano, Italy and Istituto Comprensivo Di Merone – Mons. A. Pirovano, Merone, Italy.

The event is scheduled Thursday November 21, 2019 at approximately 09.12 UTC, which is 10.12 CEWT.

The telebridge contact will operated by W6SRJ in California, USA.
Downlink signals will not be audible in Europe.
The contact will be conducted in Italian.

The event will be web streamed on:
- Istituto San Paolo delle Suore Angeliche Milano: http://www.arierba.it/ariss_live/
- Istituto Comprensivo Di Merone: http://www.arierba.it/ariss_live_2/

This ARISS-Europe News Bulletin is circulated to 2740 subscribers.

School Information:
Istituto San Paolo delle Suore Angeliche
Private school in Milano city, our students are children from 1 to 13 years (nursery, kinder garden, primary, secondary 1st level).
Istituto Comprensivo Di Merone – Mons. A. Pirovano
The School is an Istituto Comprensivo, it means that includes 3 school levels: primary, elementary and junior school (Scuole Medie). It is located between three municipalities: Merone, Lambrugo and Monguzzo, but the logistic offices are in Merone. Merone is a small town between Como and Lecco, north of Italy.
The junior school is composed by different kind of school hours from 30 hours, base level, to 38 hours, that are managed with some laboratories, in particular three scientific ones.

Students First Names & Questions:
Istituto San Paolo delle Suore Angeliche and Istituto Comprensivo Di Merone – Mons. A. Pirovano
1. Come interagisci con CIMON? Capisce se sei triste o felice e ti parla?
2. Quali sono gli strumenti che utilizzi di più nel tuo lavoro?
3. Cosa fate voi astronauti durante le manovre di reboost?
4. Chi o che cosa può trarre vantaggi dalle missioni dell'uomo nello spazio?
5. E' mai stata osservata la metamorfosi di un insetto sulla ISS? Ci sono differenze con quanto
accade sulla terra?
6. Com'è cambiata la tua vita, anche in senso pratico, dopo essere stato nello spazio?
7. Che risultati stanno dando le coltivazioni sull ISS? Si riesce a ricavare del cibo?
8. Si vede lo scioglimento dei ghiacciai dalla ISS? Come sta il pianeta Terra secondo te?
9. In cosa consistono le responsabilità e gli incarichi di comandante?
10. Avete mai visto un buco nero?
11. In quante lingue diverse comunicate tra di voi e con i controlli di terra?
12. Quale è il periodo di tempo più lungo trascorso da un astronauta nello spazio?
13. Nello spazio si ha una percezione diversa del tempo?
14. Paradosso di Enrico Fermi o equazione di FranK Drake: cosa ne pensa?
15. La ISS inquina nello spazio?
16. Tra poco dovremo fare l'importante scelta della scuola superiore. Come hai fatto tu a scegliere?
17. In base alla tua esperienza, è più difficile adattarsi alla microgravità oppure riabituarsi alla gravità
terrestre al rientro?
18. Se potessi tornare indietro nel tempo, rifaresti tutto ciò che hai fatto finora?
19. Nei momenti liberi vi divertite con la microgravità?
20. Che sensazione prova a "vivere in due mondi", uno con la gravità e uno senza?
21. Per quanto riguarda le sensazioni, il sonno nello spazio è diverso?
22. Cosa ne pensi della possibilità di costruire una base operativa sulla Luna?
23. Se fossimo pronti ad inviare un equipaggio su Marte, tu vorresti farne parte?
24. Ci racconti che emozioni provi osservando la Terra dalla ISS?

About ARISS:
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, JAXA, and CSA. The US Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provide ARISS special support. 
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.
The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or informal education venues.  With the help of experienced amateur radio volunteers, ISS crews speak directly with large audiences in a variety of public forums.  Before and during these radio contacts, students, teachers, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies, and amateur radio.  For more information, see www.ariss.org, www.ariss-eu.org and https://www.amsat-on.be/hamtv-summary/.

Gaston Bertels ON4WF

Mailtrack Sender notified by
Mailtrack 20/11/19, 18:17:00

terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2019

ARISS school contact planned for Novi Ligure and Como, Italy

An International Space Station school contact has been planned for  Luca Parmitano KF5KDP with participants at :  I.I.S. "Ciampini-Boccardo", Novi Ligure, Italy and I.T.I.S. "Magistri Cumacini", Como, Italy
The event is planned Friday October 25, 2019. It is scheduled to begin at approximately 10:24 UTC, which is 12:24 CEST.
The contact will be conducted in Italian.
The contact will operated by  I1LJV and IZ2MCC. The downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.
This ARISS Europe News Bulletin is distributed to 2722 subscribers.

School Information:
I.I.S. "Ciampini-Boccardo"
Our school, the Secondary School "Ciampini-Boccardo" of  Novi Ligure, was founded in 2010  by the merger of two pre-existing schools in town: the Secondary School "G: Boccardo" and the Secondary School "G. Ciampini. The school "G. Boccardo" offered education for administrative professions, while the school "G. Ciampini"  offered education for technical professions. Immediately before and after the merger, the school has grown significantly and so now students are offered a richer field of choices. The school population is 1280 students and there are about 210 teachers and staff. The school consists of two units located in "Viale Saffi" and in "Via Verdi". Students are offered the following opportunities:

I.T.I.S. "Magistri Cumacini"
The I.T.I.S. "Magistri Cumacini", founded in 1951, is one of the largest and highly qualified high schools (attended by about 1200 students between 14 and 19 years). The Institute is located on the outskirts of the city of Como. The I.T.I.S. "Magistri Cumacini" offers two years of teaching  to complete general education and, thereafter, the school gives the opportunity to attend three-years  with four options: Construction, Environment and Territory; Electronics and Electrical Engineering; IT and Telecommunications; Mechanics, Mechatronics and Energy saving.
The school since 2004 has been operating an Amateur Radio Station with the Callsign IZ2MCC.

Students First Names & Questions I.I.S. "Ciampini-Boccardo" - I.T.I.S. "Magistri Cumacini"
1. Andrea B: Come bisogna prepararsi prima di un viaggio nello spazio?
2. David: A partire da quale età e fino a quando si può essere astronauta?
3. Luca: Come si comportano le piante in assenza di gravità?
4. Giada: Quale è la dieta di un astronauta?
5. Jonathan: Come ci si adatta alla microgravità?
6. Andrea: Di che tipo sono i generatori elettrici per i servizi della ISS e a che tensione lavorano?
7. Gabriele: Cosa ne pensi del riutilizzo delle navette spaziali?
8. Mattia: E' vero che la giornata lavorativa sulla ISS e' di 10 ore?
9. Lorenzo: Come viene gestito lo smaltimento dei rifiuti sulla ISS?
10. Emanuele: Tramite quale tecnologia avete accesso alla rete Internet?
11. Giorgio: Secondo te, la competizione spaziale tra privati porterà dei benefici per il futuro dell'esplorazione spaziale?
12. Andrea: Come funzionano i dispositivi di protezione in caso di corto circuito?
13. Davide: Cosa ne pensi dell'utilizzo di robot nelle missioni spaziali?
14. Gianmarco: Si usano batterie per accumulare energia elettrica? Se si, di che tipo e con che autonomia?
15. Andrea: Che conseguenze ha sul fisico la lunga permanenza nello spazio e come si studia?
16. Carlo: Come si agisce nel caso di un danno all'esterno della ISS?
17. Christopher: Durante la missione hai del tempo libero? Se si, come lo utilizzi?Novi Ligure
18. Stefano: Sono necssarie manovre di riabilitazione al ritorno dalla missione?
19. Pietro: Che cosa hai provato la prima volta che sei stato in EVA?
20. Roy Emanuele: Come ha reagito la tua famiglia quando hai deciso di diventare astronauta?
21. Secondo te la stazione orbitale intorno alla Luna sarà simile alla ISS?
22. Tra la scorsa missione e questa, hai trovato qualcosa di diverso?
23. Nella nostra società abbiamo avuto una accelerazione tecnologica, è arrivata anche a bordo della ISS?
24. Perché hai scelto di diventare astronauta?
25. Abbiamo parlato la dott.ssa Ravagnolo di Altec, ha parlato di cibo e di menù spaziali. Quali sono i piatti che ti sei portato a bordo della ISS?

About ARISS:
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, JAXA, and CSA. The US Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provide ARISS special support. 

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.

The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or informal education venues.  With the help of experienced amateur radio volunteers, ISS crews speak directly with large audiences in a variety of public forums.  Before and during these radio contacts, students, teachers, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies, and amateur radio.  For more information, see www.ariss.org, www.ariss-eu.org and https://www.amsat-on.be/hamtv-summary/.

Gaston Bertels – ON4WF

ARISS school contact planned for Rome and Carrara,Italy

An International Space Station school contact has been planned for  Luca Parmitano KF5KDP with participants at Liceo Scientifico Teresa Gullace, Rome, Italy and I.S.I.S. " Zaccagna – Galilei" sede "G. Galilei", Carrara. Italy
The event is planned  Thursday October 24, 2019. It is scheduled to begin at approximately 11:13 UTC, which is 13:13 CEST.
The contact will be conducted in Italian.
The contact will operated by IZØDIB and IQ5VR. The downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.
This ARISS Europe News Bulletin is distributed to 2722 subscribers.

School Information:
Liceo Scientifico Teresa Gullace
Our school is born as a science high school, so the scientific method is at the center of all the lessons that work together to accustom students to the rational and experimental approach. Mathematics, physics, and science are the cornerstone of high school education. Attention to the scientific dissemination, participation in maths, sciences, and the current school year, including physics, characterizes our institute that has had important results with participation also in national finals.
In our school there is an association (Gruppo SIGMA Studenti e Insegnanti del Gullace per la Matematica) of pupils and former students who have distinguished themselves in mathematics: we could certainly organize the event with the help of the association.
We could invite to the event in the main hall students who will demonstrate the intention to participate in the project and who will find out during the year, among the pupils of the three years, until the 80 seats are filled up.

I.S.I.S. " Zaccagna - Galilei" sede "G. Galilei"
The mission of the State High School Galilei, part of I.S.I.S. Zaccagna, is « value the person », through an educational process built for the person and therefore the society. The school focuses on guiding the students in their future choices, both of study and work, but mostly on the greatest non-material asset available : the person as human capital, with his culture, value and knowledge. The two main goals are there for evaluing the person in all hispotential, and professional qualification.
The building hosting the event includes a Maths and Science High School and the Industrial and Technical State High School Galilei, with students aged between 14 and 20.
About 40 students from the Telecommunication course will be directly involved in the project (16-20 years old), while the connection might be extended to the entire learning centre, that includes about 1000 students ; it might also be possible for the local population to attend the event.

Students First Names & Questions:
Liceo Scientifico Teresa Gullace and I.S.I.S. " Zaccagna - Galilei" sede "G. Galilei"
1. L'assenza di atmosfera, modifica le sfumature e l'intensita dei colori percepiti dall'occhio?
2. Si apprezzano gli effetti del riscaldamento globale da li ?
3. Gli Astronauti possono prendere il raffreddore o l'influenza?
4. Considerando tutte le interviste che ha rilasciato, c'e una domanda che non le è mai stata posta e a cui vorrebbe rispondere?
5. Avete riscontrato possibilità di mutazioni genetiche nello spazio?
6. Cosa prova per film come Interstellar o The Martian?
7. Cosa si mette nella valigia di un'astronauta prima di partire?
8. Cosa ne pensa dell'obiettivo della NASA di creare basi lunari?
9. Oltre alla stazione radioamatoriale, di quali canali di comunicazioni disponete?
10. Come rimane concentrato durante le procedure più importanti? ha una sua particolare tecnica?
11. Nella tua giornata tipica, quanto tempo dedichi in media gli esperimenti scientifici?
12. Vivere insieme sulla ISS e difficile? Ha mai avuto discussioni?
13. Nella tua esperienza, l'efficienza operativa di un astronauta, è maggiore all'inizio o alla fine del periodo di permanenza nella stazione spaziale?
14. Nel suo ultimo libro ha detto che la cosa che l'ha colpito di più nella ISS è la sua dimensione. Ma cosa vorrebbe cambiare nellISS per migliorare il suo soggiorno?
15. Quali sensazioni ti suscita la visione dei corpi celesti dalla tua prospettiva?
16. Secondo lei, quale esperimento che ha fatto in ISS è stato il piu utile?
17. Ti capita mai di avere momenti di difficolta psicologica come ansia, nostalgia, tensione?
18. Che tipo di studi ha fatto per diventare un astronauta? Quanto tempo ha impiegato per prepararsi a questa esperienza?         
19. Quali sono i tuoi passatempi nel tempo libero?
20. Come vi lavate visto non potete fare una doccia normale?

About ARISS:
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, JAXA, and CSA. The US Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provide ARISS special support. 

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.

The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or informal education venues.  With the help of experienced amateur radio volunteers, ISS crews speak directly with large audiences in a variety of public forums.  Before and during these radio contacts, students, teachers, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies, and amateur radio.  For more information, see www.ariss.org, www.ariss-eu.org and https://www.amsat-on.be/hamtv-summary/.

Gaston Bertels – ON4WF

quinta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2019



Slow Scan Television (SSTV) transmitidas a partir da Estação Espacial Internacional e outros satélites suportados pela ARISS 

Os horários iniciais do SSI MAI-75 da ISS estão agendados para 9 de outubro das 09:50 às 14:00 UTC e 10 de outubro das 08:55 às 15:15 UTC. 
Pode ser escutado em 145.800 durante estes períodos. O experimento é baseado fora de  Moscovo, Rússia, para que os tempos sejam otimizados para as poucas órbitas que cobrem essa parte do mundo.

Slow Scan Television (SSTV) images transmitted from the International Space Station and other ARISS supported satellites

The Initial MAI-75 SSTV times from ISS are scheduled for Oct 9 from 09:50-14:00 UTC and Oct 10 from  08:55-15:15 UTC. Listen on 145.800 during these times. The experiment is based out of Moscow, Russia so the times are optimized for the few orbits that cover that part of the world. 

73 , Carlos Nora, CT1END


quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2019

ARISS school contact planned for Bethesda, MD USA

International Space Station school contact has been planned for Nick Hague KG5TMV with participants at The Children's Inn at NIH (National Institutes of Health), Bethesda, MD USA 
The events is planned Monday September 23, 2019. It is scheduled to begin at approximately 20:08 UTC, which is 22:08 CEST.
The contact will be a telebridge operated by ON4ISS. The downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz

Event presentation
The Children's Inn at NIH is partnering with the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) and Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) to host Ask an Astronaut: Biomedical Science Edition. The event will give children receiving care at NIH a unique science and technology experience. They will learn about the importance of biomedical research in space, including NCATS' Tissue Chips in Space program, which recently sent five projects to the International Space Station and which some current crew members worked on (thank you!).

About The Children's Inn at NIH
The Children's Inn is an independent nonprofit that provides "a place like home" to families of children with rare or critical illnesses whose best hope is a clinical research trial at the NIH Clinical Center, the world's largest hospital dedicated to biomedical research. The Inn strives to fully and consistently meet the needs of our families during their children's treatments by providing housing and support services—all at no cost to them—and reducing the burdens of illness through therapeutic, educational and recreational programming.

The Ask an Astronaut event at The Inn will be different from ARISS's typical events with students in a classroom setting.  The children at The Inn are seriously ill, so the goal will be on having a fun and stimulating experience. Kids can enjoy the wonder of talking with astronauts on the space station, learning what it's like to live in space and work on cool science experiments like Tissue Chips in Space. They also can learn about ham radio and how the astronauts can use it to communicate with other children all around the world.

Thank you for taking time to speak with these children.

 1. Stella, 5: What's it like to go up in a rocket ship?
 2. Wyatt (8), Graham (5), and Ryan (2 1/2): How are experiments conducted in space?
 3. Cole, 7: Are there aliens in space? Do you see foreign creatures?
 4. Max, 8: What's the coolest thing you've seen in space?
 5. Jowanna, 9: If you get sick in space how do you get medical treatment?
 6. Maxwell, 9: What do you do for fun in space?
 7. Johanna: How many times have you been in space?
 8. Emily, 12: How are body tissues affected by being in space?
 9. Heidi, 13: Could being space be helpful to different medical conditions?
10. Madison, 14: What medicine do you have to take before you go into space?
11. Meg, 14: What advice do you have for someone who wants to become an astronaut?
12. Mooni, 16: What changes have you seen in your trips to space?
13. Afnan, 17: How do you prepare food in space?
14. Danielle, 21: Are your energy levels affected from being in space?
15. Connie, 21+: What is the weight of the space station?
16. Stella, 5: Would you rather live with gravity or without gravity?
17. Max, 8: Does your hair grow faster in space?
18. Wyatt (8), Graham (5), and Ryan (2 1/2): What books or classes influenced you to be an astronaut?
19. Madison, 14: What effects do space have on your sleep?
20. Mooni, 16: Do you get to FaceTime in space to talk to your family? How often?
21. Afnan, 17: What time zone is it in space?
22. Max, 8: Does your body change in space?
23. Madison, 14: What are some things that you like about being in space?
24. Mooni, 16: How do you become an astronaut and travel into space?
25. Madison, 14: What do you do to prepare for your travel into space?

The event will be webcast by the school on:


About ARISS:
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, JAXA, and CSA. The US Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provide ARISS special support. 

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.

The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or informal education venues.  With the help of experienced amateur radio volunteers, ISS crews speak directly with large audiences in a variety of public forums.  Before and during these radio contacts, students, teachers, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies, and amateur radio.  For more information, see www.ariss.org, www.ariss-eu.org and https://www.amsat-on.be/hamtv-summary/.

Gaston Bertels – ON4WF

ISS Tracking