sexta-feira, 29 de junho de 2018

Imagens em SSTV da ISS - 29 de junho de 2018

Imagens recebidas por CT1END:

2018-06-29 1028 by CT1END

2018-06-29 1204 by CT1END

2018-06-29 1337 by CT1END

Associação Nacional de Radioamadores - Fundada em 1926
         Avenida Yasser Arafat Nº 4 A, 2700-375 Amadora, Portugal
Email:                 Telef./Fax: (+351) 213 461 186
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sexta-feira, 22 de junho de 2018

ARISS emissão em SSTV - 29 junho a 1 julho 2018

As próximas emissões em imagem em SSTV estão previstas de 29 de junho a 1 de julho de 2018. 
Essas imagens vão comemorar os vários satélites que a equipe ARISS desenvolveu e distribuiu manualmente desde a ISS. 
Isso incluirá a primeira implantação de satélites da ISS: SuitSat-1 / Radioskaf-1, que foi implantada em fevereiro de 2006. 
Mais detalhes sobre isso serão divulgados à medida que a data se aproxima.

Desafiamos os radioamadores Portugueses a enviarem para o nosso email as vossas imagens recebidas para posterior publicação no nosso site em

73 da equipa REP-ARISS


Associação Nacional de Radioamadores - Fundada em 1926
         Avenida Yasser Arafat Nº 4 A, 2700-375 Amadora, Portugal
Email:                 Telef./Fax: (+351) 213 461 186
Página na Internet em


ARISS contact planned for two schools in Germany

An International Space Station school contact has been planned for Alexander Gerst KF5ONO with two schools in Germany:
-       Werner Heisenberg Gymnasium, Leverkusen
-       Schickhardt Gymnasium, Herrenberg.

The event is scheduled Wednesday 27 June 2018 at approximately 10:32 UTC. 

The conversation will be conducted in German.

The contact will be a direct operated by DL0IL and DL0GH.

The downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe.

School Information:


The Werner Heisenberg Gymnasium in Leverkusen was among the first schools that joined the national MINT EC network of excellence schools in science and is an IB world school offering its students the International Baccalaureate (IB).

Another focus is set on language in our French German bilingual program. Care has been taken that both degrees may be pursued simultaneously as we have found that one talent is often connected to the other.

The WHG mission is:  To build and develop a social community, to strengthen personality and character, and to enjoy and succeed in learning.

In STEM classes, students focus on core subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology with additional optional courses in astronomy and computer science. In 8th and 9th grade, students take science classes covering interdisciplinary subjects with a special application focus. In small groups, students define and research their own projects, which they present to a jury from local industry during a science fair at the end of 9th grade.

In addition, there is a diverse choice of project courses (AGs): Our students may join the Jazz band or the Theater AG, which are well-known for their performances. The Astronomy AG has constructed a large, scaled version of the solar system in the schoolyard and has specialized in moon and planet photography.

In the French bilingual class, more lessons are allocated to French, and history, geography and politics are taught in French. With their high school diplomas, students in this branch are granted access to French universities.

Complementary to science and language education, WHG also focuses on social education: In 9th grade, students participate in a mandatory practical training at a social organization (kindergarten, hospital, retirement or nursing home, work with handicapped or homeless people) to help develop social responsibility.

Schickhardt Gymnasium

Our school, the Schickhardt Gymnasium, is located in Herrenberg which is a small city south of Stuttgart.
This is in the heart of a region known nationally and internationally for technology (i. e. automobiles) and
IT advancement but also for its old universities and its history.
Beyond the regular subjects like Maths, German,
English, P.E., Arts, and social sciences, this is reflected in the profiles our school offers from which the students can choose their focus. On one hand, the language profile with French, Spanish and Latin as options. On the other hand, we have the profile of natural sciences and technology, i.e. NwT (science and technology), Biology, Physics, IT and Chemistry. Both profiles are also visible in the clubs and exchanges which are offered: Aerospace Lab, Robotics, ISS, Theatre, Musical, Print and the KuCa (which organizes cultural events – among others a presentation by Professor Dr. Heinz Voggenreiter), among others. Students are also dedicated to social projects, e.g. Fairtrade, Model United Nations, schools against racism and the aid-organization Casa Alianza. Exchanges go to Sweden, France, the USA, Botswana, and Hungary.

This secondary school with about 750 students and 70 teachers is excited to be taking part in the ARISS program.
The project team consists of members of different age levels motivated by their interests in outer space, technology, space travel, journalism, and many other talents which are contributing to making this project a reality.

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Yasna (11): How does the human body change in outer space?
2. Victor (11): Does your biorhythm change in space and can you sleep well?
3. Eva (17): Is it true that people cannot belch in space?
4. Tessa (11): Which everyday commodities and habits do you miss most?
5. Max (14): Is it possible to light a candle in the space station, and if so, what does it look like?
6. Roman (16): Do you see the fireworks on New Year's Eve on the ISS?
7. Lena (16): Do you think that the idea of populating the Moon and Mars in near future is realistic?
8. Lorenz (16): Have you ever lost anything outside the ISS?
9. Max (17): What do you think about the disposal of waste, e. g. electronic scrap, in outer space?
10. Sven (17): What would you ask an astronaut if you were not an astronaut yourself?
11. Charlotte (13): How clean is the air inside the ISS? Do you need to do dusting?
12. David (13): What did your assistant CIMON surprise you the most with?
13. Linda (11): What does it feel like to go on a spacewalk?
14. Lorent (11): What was your most exceptional experience in outer space?
15. Anna (18): How difficult is it to readjust to life on earth after a long stay in space?
16. Maurice (15): Which spaceship would you take to fly to the ISS if you had the choice between the time-tested Soyuz capsule or the new Dragon V2?
17. Max (14): How fast is your internet connection on the ISS?
18. Lukas (15): What would happen in case of an acute medical emergency, e. g. appendicitis?
19. Anne (17): Is it possible to fly directly to the moon from the ISS?
20. Benjamin (9): What is your favorite food on the space station?

1. Yasna (11): Wie veraendert sich der menschliche Koerper im Weltall?
2. Victor (11): Veraendert sich auch Ihr Biorhythmus im All und koennen Sie gut schlafen?
3. Eva (17): Stimmt es, dass man im Weltraum nicht ruelpsen kann?
4. Tessa (11): Welche alltaeglichen Dinge und Gewohnheiten vermissen Sie am meisten?
5. Max (14): Kann man eine Kerze in der Raumstation anzünden, wenn ja wie sieht sie dann aus?
6. Roman (16): Sieht man an Silvester das Feuerwerk von der ISS aus?
7. Lena (16): Finden Sie die Idee Mond und Mars in naher Zukunft zu besiedeln realistisch?
8. Lorenz (16): Haben Sie schon einmal etwas ausserhalb der ISS verloren?
9. Max (17): Was halten Sie von der Entsorgung von Muell, z. B. von Elektroschrott, im Weltraum?
10. Sven (17): Was wuerden Sie einen Astronauten fragen, wenn Sie selber nicht Astronaut waeren?
11. Charlotte (13): Wie sauber ist die Luft auf der ISS, muss man Staubwischen?
12. David (13): Womit hat Ihr Assistent CIMON Sie am meisten ueberrascht?
13. Linda (11): Wie fuehlt es sich an, einen Raumspaziergang zu machen?
14. Lorent (11): Was war das Außergewoehnlichste, was sie im All erlebt haben?
15. Anna (18): Wie schwer ist es, sich nach einem laengeren Aufenthalt im All wieder an das Leben auf der Erde zu gewoehnen?
16. Maurice (15): Wenn Sie die Wahl haetten zwischen der bewaehrten Sojus-Kapsel oder der neuen Dragon-V2, welche wuerden Sie fuer einen Flug zur ISS bevorzugen?
17. Max (14): Wie schnell ist Ihr Internetanschluss auf der ISS?
18. Lukas (15): Was wuerde bei einem akuten medizinischen Notfall, z. B. einer Blinddarmentzuendung, passieren?
19. Anne (17): Kann man direkt von der ISS aus zum Mond fliegen?
20. Benjamin (9): Was ist Ihr Lieblingsessen auf der Raumstation?

About ARISS:

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, JAXA, and CSA. The US Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) and the  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provide ARISS special support. 

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.

The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or informal education venues.  With the help of experienced amateur radio volunteers, ISS crews speak directly with large audiences in a variety of public forums.  Before and during these radio contacts, students, teachers, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies, and amateur radio.  For more information, see, and


Gaston Bertels – ON4WF


Associação Nacional de Radioamadores - Fundada em 1926
         Avenida Yasser Arafat Nº 4 A, 2700-375 Amadora, Portugal
Email:                 Telef./Fax: (+351) 213 461 186
Página na Internet em


quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2018

ARISS Several upcoming events

Several upcoming ARISS events:

ARISS-Russia, in collaboration with the Southwest State University in Kursk, Russia, are developing a series of educational CubeSat satellites called Tanusha. Two Tanusha CubeSats were developed by students at Southwest State University and were hand-deployed by cosmonauts during an August 2017 extravehicular activity. These two CubeSats are performing cluster flight experiments through communications links. A second set of CubeSats, Tanusha 3 & 4 were launched earlier this year and are currently on-board ISS.  Tanusha 3 & 4 are planned to be hand deployed by Cosmonauts in August.  They will perform even more comprehensive cluster flight objectives than Tanusha 1 & 2.

On June 20, Tanusha 3 will be connected to one of the ARISS Service Module antennas and will transmit from 0730-1200 UTC on 437.05 MHz.  These FM transmissions will include greetings from students in several languages, including Russian, English, Spanish and Chinese.  On June 21, Tanusha 4 will be connected to one of the ARISS Service Module antennas and will transmit from 0730-1200 UTC on the same frequency:  437.05 MHz.  The ARISS-Russia team plan to also retransmit these signals on the standard ARISS 2-meter downlink, 145.80 MHz using the JVC Kenwood D700 radio that is still on-board ISS.  All are invited to listen to the CubeSats from ISS on 437.05 and/or 145.80 MHz.

The next SSTV image downlinks are planned for June 29-July 1.  These images will commemorate the various satellites that the ARISS team has developed and hand-deployed from the ISS.  These will include the first satellite deployment from ISS:  SuitSat-1/Radioskaf-1 which was deployed in February 2006.  More details on this will be forthcoming as the date draws near.

We thank ARISS-Russia delegate Sergey Samburov, RV3DR for this latest information.

73,  Frank Bauer, KA3HDO


Associação Nacional de Radioamadores - Fundada em 1926

Email:                 Telef./Fax: (+351) 213 461 186
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quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2018

ARISS contact planned for school in Serbia

An International Space Station school contact has been planned for Ricky Arnold KE5DAU with Tehnicka Skola Zajecar, Zajecar, Serbia.

The event is scheduled Tuesday 19 June 2018 at approximately 14.20 UTC. 

The contact will be a direct operated by YU1ACR.

The downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe.

School Information:

Technical school from Zajecar is a secondary vocational school in Eastern Serbia. The school includes educational profiles in the fields of electrical engineering, transport, mechanical engineering and information technology. For years, the school has been involved in various reform projects secondary vocational education, which resulted in the introduction of new experimental educational profiles mechatronics and information technologies.

An important segment in the school is non-formal education and work in the sections. In the field of robotics, our students record excellent results at national competitions. In 2017, the school launched a state-level "ARDUINO KUP" competition where students displayed their skills in the field of microcontrollers. The competition was organized in 2018, and we hope that the competition will soon take on an international character.

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Do you play any sport on the ISS?
2. How much do you sleep?
3. How many days you can spend on the ISS in a row?
4. How do you feel when you return from ISS to the Earth?
5. Do everyone sleep at the same time?
6. Do you eat only prepared food or you can cook something?
7. How often are you in contact with your family on Earth?
8. What was your most interesting experience on ISS?
9. Can you have any allergic reactions on ISS?
10. How to go to the toilet on ISS?
11. How many work hours do you have a day?
12. Did you ever get sick during your stay at the ISS?
13. Are you sweating during your stay at the ISS?
14. What fun activities do you do in space?
15. Do you wear ordinary or special clothes?
16. What is the experience when during the spacewalk?
17. What do you miss the most during your stay at the ISS?
18. Does the ISS make noise?

About ARISS:

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, JAXA, and CSA. The US Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) and the  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provide ARISS special support. 

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.

The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or informal education venues.  With the help of experienced amateur radio volunteers, ISS crews speak directly with large audiences in a variety of public forums.  Before and during these radio contacts, students, teachers, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies, and amateur radio.  For more information, see, and


Gaston Bertels – ON4WF

segunda-feira, 11 de junho de 2018

ARISS News Release no. 18-08


no. 18-08                                                                                                                                                       
June 08, 2018                                                                                                               
David Jordan, AA4KN

US Schools/Groups Move Into Phase 2 of ARISS Selections

June 08, 2018 - The ARISS-US Team (Amateur Radio on the International Space Station)  is pleased to announce schools or organizations submitting proposals have been selected to advance to the next stage of planning to host amateur radio contacts from January to June 2019.  The contacts will be with International Space Station (ISS) crew members using the ARISS equipment on the ISS.  A review team of teachers from the ARISS-US Education Committee selected proposals after the recent proposal window closed. The groups will go forward to Phase 2, developing an amateur radio equipment plan to host a scheduled ARISS contact. 

ARISS's primary goal is to engage people in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) activities, and involve them in pursuits related to space exploration, amateur radio, communications, and associated areas of study and career options.  Cord Davidson, KD5J, at Central Magnet Middle School in Batesville, AR, exclaimed after a recent ARISS contact, "ARISS shows how amateur radio is the most unique hobby there is, and from the educator's perspective, what a great way to encourage STEM topics!"   

ARISS anticipates that NASA will be able to provide scheduling opportunities for these US host organizations.  The candidates must now complete an equipment plan that demonstrates their ability to execute the ham radio contact. Once their equipment plan is approved by the ARISS technical team, the final selected schools / organizations will be scheduled as their availability and flexibility match up with the scheduling opportunities.

The schools and organizations are:

        Faith Christian Academy
     Orlando FL

        Hidden Oaks Middle School
     Prior Lake MN

        Huntington High School
     Huntington TX

        Moriah Central School
     Port Henry NY

        NIH-National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Children's Inn
     Bethesda MD

       Park Co. Public Library with Boys & Girls Club of the High Rockies
     Fairplay CO

        Pembroke Junior Senior High School
      Corfu NY


Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the United States, and other international space agencies and international amateur radio organizations around the world. The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or informal education venues. With the help of experienced amateur radio volunteers from radio clubs and coordination from the ARISS team, the ISS crew members speak directly with large group audiences in a variety of public forums such as school assemblies, science centers and museums, scout camporees, jamborees and space camps, where students, teachers, parents, and communities learn about space, spac
 e technologies and amateur radio.

Find more information at, and also www.amsat.organd

David Jordan, AA4KN
(321) 662-9486

ISS Tracking